After yesterday’s glorious news that our application for a heritage plaque on the site of the Club a’Gogo has been approved , we have now closed our petition. I’ve copied the closing message and thank you all for your support, we think you’re flippin brilliant!!
‘Yes!!! We did it!! Newcastle Council have approved our proposal for a plaque on the site of the original Club a’Gogo. We are beyond delighted!
This was never just about a plaque on a wall, it’s about the bigger picture for Newcastle’s musical heritage. Hopefully now when people visit the city they can stand at the site of the Club a’Gogo ‘Home of the Animals’ and also the site of the much missed Handyside Arcade. More updates to follow with more about what we are doing to remember and promote Newcastle‘s musical history. Huge thanks to everyone who supported us, we couldn’t have done it without you , we salute you
And last night we cracked open the champagne, cheers!’
Jools and Paul